Sunscreen Initiative
Apr, 17, 2008 by : Sharon Marston in :$12,000 DUPAGE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES GET SUNSCREEN DONATIONS FOR SKIN CANCER PROTECTION Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund Delivering 2,500 Bottles of Sunscreen to Area…
Focus on College Students
Oct, 31, 2015 by : jackadmin in :HALF OF TOP U.S. COLLEGES PROVIDE TANNING BEDS FOR STUDENTS A Tan to Die for: Millions of US college students may have immediate access to…
Full-Body Skin Exam – What to expect
Mar, 12, 2012 by : Sharon Marston in :ASK THE EXPERT: What does a full-body exam entail? Laurie Jacobson, MD is a fellowship-trained Mohs surgeon and a member of the American College of…