Who’s Jack?

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The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund was established in July, 2004 when melanoma took the life of Jack H. Marston, II at the age of 47.

Jack was a devoted family man and a dedicated coach to hundreds of children in the Glen Ellyn, IL area. An accomplished athlete and four-time Chicago Marathon participant, Jack loved the outdoors. He was an avid skier, golfer, mountain biker and more. His compassion, kindness, and zest for life were and are an inspiration to all who knew him.

Although Jack’s battle was a private one and his intention was to quietly beat the disease, his valor in the fight taught us much.

We now know that metastatic melanoma is a very complex cancer, with early symptoms that are often mistaken for “nothing serious”.

Melanoma continues to pose a significant threat to individuals of all ages. People are spending more time outdoors, increasing their exposure to harmful UV radiation. The incidence of melanoma is increasing at an alarming rate; yet research toward better treatment and a cure remains underfunded.

Most importantly, awareness of the prevention and detection of melanoma and all forms of skin cancer must be raised in order to prevent further spread of the disease.