Institutes, Foundations & Clinics

Reliable and trusted sites with current information, therapies and resources from managing the cost of cancer care to updated clinical trials.

CDC’s skin cancer website
Cancer Data Visualization Tool (includes melanoma incidence and mortality).
Data Explorer (has UV data).
2019 YRBS data (including indoor tanning and sunburn) will get posted here.

Asco Answers: Manage the Cost of Cancer Care. Practical guidance for patience and families.Asco logo

oncliveMaking a world of difference in cancer care. OncLive is the official Website for the Oncology Specialty Group, which publishes Oncology Biotech News, OncologyLive, Oncology Nursing News, and Urologists in Cancer Care. The mission of OncLive and these publications is to provide oncology professionals with the resources and information they need to provide the best patient care.


Mission Statement: Conquering cancer worldwide by funding breakthrough cancer research and sharing cutting-edge knowledge. Vision: A world free from the fear of cancer.


Each person and each melanoma are different and at MD Anderson’s Ben Love/El Paso Corporation Melanoma and Skin Center, we use our unique multidisciplinary approach to tailor melanoma treatment specifically to your unique situation.

January 2017 – Updated Clinical Trials in Melanoma Medical Oncology.

U.S. National Institutes of Health. is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.

Skin Cancer Team at University of Chicago.UCM logo+tag_CMYK

Jason Luke, medical oncologist specializing in the treatment of melanoma.

Melanoma Clinical Trials


FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute, is an action tank, determined to remove barriers to medical progress. With only one goal: to save lives as rapidly as possible.

We work to improve the medical research system – and speed up the time it takes to get important new medicines from discovery to patients.


Helping People Connect with Clinical Trials: CenterWatch is the leading trusted source for global clinical trial information.


Better medicine begins with knowledge. Established in 1892 as the nation’s first independent medical research institution, The Wistar Institute is an international leader in biomedical research with expertise in cancer research and vaccine development. At the scientific forefront and with a record of success.

Wistar strives to embody its slogan: Today’s Discoveries—Tomorrow’s Cures.


UpToDate® – the premier evidence-based clinical decision support resource, trusted worldwide by healthcare practitioners to help them make the right decisions at the point of care – the only resource of its kind associated with improved outcomes.

TOR_large The Oncology Report provides oncologists with timely and relevant news and commentary about clinical developments

medical-expressMedical Xpress provides the latest news on health, medicines, cancer treatments, cancer research, cancer studies and types of cancer


NEJM is the most widely read, cited, and influential general medical periodical in the world. Committed to maintaining that reputation and integrity, while using innovative formats and technologies.

The National Cancer Institute publishes its PDQ Cancer Information Summaries that include treatment guidelines.NCI-LOGO-150x150.jpg

They’re reviewed by a board of experts in oncology, radiation oncology and surgical oncology. They meet regularly to review and update treatment information. See


Journal of American Academy of Dermatology is the official scientific publication of the American Academy of Dermatology


AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY is the largest, most influential and representative dermatology group in the United States. With a membership of more than 19,000.

oncology-nurses-logoThe Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is a professional association of more than 35,000 members committed to promoting excellence in oncology nursing and the transformation of cancer care.

**Disclaimer: The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund is devoted to advocacy and educational purposes only and does not replace or substitute professional medical care. Information provided by Jack’s Fund should not be used for diagnosing or treating a skin problem or disease. If you have or suspect you have a skin problem, please consult with a dermatologist, or other qualified professional healthcare provider.