About Our Programs

The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund is committed to providing programs that address the devastating experience of melanoma on all levels.


Read about our research disbursements in the About Section and in our newsletters.


Jack’s Fund is as committed to preventing melanoma as it is to helping to find a cure. Though incidents of the disease are growing at an alarming rate, melanoma is often preventable by practicing sun safety habits, such as sunscreens or protective clothing. If caught early, it is also highly treatable.


For those in the process of fighting the disease, the building of the first Jack H. Marston II Healing Garden at Advocate Lutheran Hospital as well as the development of programs that provide both practical and emotional support for those in treatment.


We have learned that melanoma patients and their friends/families feel alone when they receive their diagnoses. Our goal is to share as many stories as we can to create a destination where anyone can find reassurance that they are not alone and find comfort in that knowledge. Thank you for helping to raise awareness and to promote healing by sharing your experience.