Start a Team


SETTING UP TEAMS is an easy 2-step process. We encourage you to setup a team (in-person or virtual).

TEAM Captains: please register and setup your team first and/or your team fundraising page. This allows participants to join your team (via drop down menu) at registration and direct donations to your fundraising page.

  1. SETUP TEAM –  Click on the link to setup your team or you can create a team on the first step of the registration process.  You will receive a confirmation email and be assigned as the admin for that team.  Your team name will appear in a drop down menu where friends and family can click on and join.  If a registrant forgets to click on the team, we can easily move the registration over
  2. SETUP TEAM FUNDRAISER – Click on the link to setup a fundraising page (scroll down to team fundraisers) and have all “donations” (not registration fees) show up for your team.  Here you can add photos and tell your story!  The team name will appear in a drop down menu for participants to click. Participants can also add their own fundraiser to the team and if they raise $100, the registration fee will be waived.

NOTE:  If your team has not been setup and you complete registration…no problem, we can add you into the teams page and also move your donation over to reflect on the team fundraiser.  Never panic, just email us if something doesn’t look right.  There is nothing that can’t be changed!

Click below to start your registration: