Why We Run: Mama G


As you may know, Mama G (aka Carolyn Grin) has Stage Four melanoma.

You may also know that she continues to fight her cancer with style and grace.

Through various treatments and clinical trials, Mama G is beating the odds!

It’s no wonder we want to honor her by sharing her story and doing anything we can to contribute to the fight against melanoma.

Hulda & Kyle Black, Oliver Grin, and John Atwater are overjoyed to join forces with an organization that allows us to combine fund raising for melanoma awareness and research with one of the most celebrated long-distance running events.

On November 3, 2013, we will be running the ING New York City Marathon as a part of Jack’s Marathon Team.

To encourage us in this endeavor and to support a great cause, please consider clicking on the donation box below and making a contribution to the Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund.

Mama G


POSTED BY Sharon Marston | Nov, 26, 2014 |