Why We Run JMT2014

2014 Chicago Marathon
Sara Baldocchi:
Jack’s Team Alumni. Making a difference in the fight against this incredibly tough cancer …
Patrick Brosnan:
Running for Jack’s Team has added meaning and a greater goal to my training …
Jason Carnesecchi:
Raising Awareness. In 2012, my wife Kim was diagnosed ….
Hallie Chillag:
Please help make my 10th marathon more meaningful by helping me raise money for Jack’s Fund …
Laura Comeaux:
On Oct 16, 2009, I lost my beautiful best friends, Lindsay Rogers Datema to melanoma ….
Manuel Escobedo:
Running to make a difference ….
Laura French:
My first marathon – in memory of my friend David Keif …
Carla Gazes:
Running to make a difference and raise awareness.
Tanner Hutt:
In December 2013, I lost my best friend to melanoma – David Kief …
Mary Clare Johnsen:
“Fighting melanoma every step of the way” …
Tom Johnsen:
Jack’s Fund Alumni and Board Member. Running to save lives!
Jason Kaatz:
Raise awareness and fund research. In 2011, we found out that my mother had late stage melanoma …
Nick Kapolka:
Running for Sally. The date of this year’s marathon will be Sally’s 48th birthday …
Brian Lopez:
Running for my friend and 8th grade teacher …
Steven Lutz:
Jack’s Team Alumni and TEAM Captain. Running for those who can’t …
Michael Marchetti –
Jack’s Team Alumni
Thom Martin:
“This Run’s For Jack” participant. 1st time marathon. Unfortunately, Thom is injured and will not be able to run the marathon this year, but he still is part of TEAM!
Meredith Mead:
Running for my dad, Thorn Mead. Passed from melanoma in 2008 …
David Noland and Victoria Noland:
David and Victoria are both Jack’s Team Alumni. Victoria is also the “game on” scholarship recipient from 2008. Honored to have them both on the team …
Ross Ochs:
Running for his dad, Major Steven Ochs …
Everett Phillips:
Jack’s Team Alumni and the TEAM COACH! Family and friends touched my melanoma. Raising funds for awareness and research.
Stacey Plumb:
Jack’s Team Alumni.
Jeff Pringle:
August 10, 2014, Marty Schweitzer lost his battle to melanoma. I am running to honor Marty’s memory and in hopes that in the future lives can be saved through education and awareness.
Lindsey Richardson:
Doing it for David …
Jenna Ryan:
Running for my Dad, Jim Ryan …
Kelly Smith:
Jennifer Marston’s Friend …
Brandon Thorpe:
In honor and memory of Sally. Lost her battle at 45 years old. She was and is an inspiration …
Matthew Vuckov:
Helping to bring much needed resources to melanoma awareness efforts.
Terri Wilson:
For my Dad, James T. Murray. Running with my heart; hoping my legs will follow.