Why We Run: Denise (JMT-Chi 2017)

I ran the Chicago marathon with Jack’s Team in 2017 and wanted to update you.
Unbeknownst to me I was running last year with melanoma on my neck :/.
I had the mole checked out by my dermatologist when I was training, and we both agreed the mole on my neck was probably irritated by running with a necklace.
After the marathon I took a break from running and removed the necklace. The mole continued to look irritated so I went back to my dermatologist. The dermatologist assured me the mole was most likely nothing but removed it anyway.
On a Friday night I got the phone call, melanoma.
The following Tuesday I had surgery and a lymph node biopsy. Thankfully it has not spread.
Anyways, I wanted to thank you for all you do. You are making a difference in many lives and I know you made and will continue to make a difference in mine.
Denise Mutter (JMT-Chicago 2017)
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