Thank You to the Glenbard West Class of 2006

Dear Class of 2006 and Dr. Zimmerman:
Thank you for your generous and most thoughtful gift to the Jack H. Marston II Cancer Research Fund. For Jennifer and her family, your gift meant more than words can ever express.
We have watched you, as friends and classmates of Jennifer, grow into an exceptional group of young adults. You have been a special gift to all of us. And, now it is your time to proudly venture into the world as young adults to share your many talents.
As the evening’s rain clouds parted and a rainbow appeared over the graduation ceremony, a message was being sent . Please be assured, you are not going alon
e, as an angel will be there coaching you through the mist and providing the necessary rainbows, and we will be there cheering you on as well.
The Board of Directors of the Marston Fund would also like to extend their gratitude and remind you that each dollar you have contributed will make a difference in the lives of those fighting a devastating disease. It is our hope that at the very least a cure for cancer will be found in your lifetime.
Dr. Zimmerman, thank you for your steadfast guidance and leadership at Glenbard West and your enthusiastic and continual support of the Jack H. Marston II Cancer Research Fund. We will miss you at West next year and wish you all the best in your new position.
Sharon Marston and family