St. Charles North High School Health Fair
Apr, 08, 2015 by : Sharon Marston in :April 8, 2015 Jack’s Fund 6th year attending St.Charles North Health Fair Our table is always given a prominent spot…
High School Health Fairs
Jun, 13, 2015 by : Robin R in :Sign the Pledge Hundreds of St. Charles High School students sign our NO Tan Pledge. It is possible to change behaviors by having a lively…
Focus on College Students
Oct, 31, 2015 by : jackadmin in :HALF OF TOP U.S. COLLEGES PROVIDE TANNING BEDS FOR STUDENTS A Tan to Die for: Millions of US college students may have immediate access to…
Health Fair – Glenbard West High School
Mar, 21, 2015 by : Sharon Marston in :Thank you for your inspiration … February 18, 2015 Dear Sharon, Thank you for your inspiration and passion to make the Fitness Expo- Mini Health…