Why We Run: Sam (JMT-NYC 2017)

Well, 2017 marks a half century of existence on this planet for me.

In thinking of a meaningful way to celebrate and validate my existence, I have signed up for my 5th NYC Marathon and will be running under the banner of Jack’s Marathon Team (see below for more about them).

Why Jack’s Team?  Because they help raise awareness and help fund research about malginant melanoma.

I am here today because I was given the awareness early on in my life that if a mole did something strange you should get it checked out.  That is what I did in 1996 and it most likely saved my life.  Nothing is more shocking than to have your name and the word cancer put into the same sentence, especially when you are in your mid 20’s.

So I invite you to help support Jack Team.

I am into my training program and will keep you posted with updates.

Thank you,

Sam (JMT-NYC 2017)



POSTED BY Sharon Marston | Jul, 24, 2017 |
TAGS : disbursements Jack's Marathon Team JF Awareness melanoma