Why We Run: Melissa (2016 Chi-Marathon)


I have gone insane and have decided to run the Chicago Marathon this year!

As many of you know, our family lost our grandpa too soon and too fast to melanoma. My grandpa, Bob Schnelten, was always there for me. He fully supported everything I did in life–decisions on college, boys, vet school, etc–and he was even the one who walked me down the aisle at my wedding. I often think of all the wonderful things that have happened over the past 8 years that he had to miss out on. I think of all the times I have needed his advice and have just had to imagine what his opinion would have been. He loved life and loved his family even more.

Through running, I have discovered a part of myself I never knew existed. I have done more physically and mentally than I ever thought possible. I am putting myself through this challenge to honor my grandpa and to fundraise for research and programming so that one day, melanoma will be 100% treatable. With my own children and family members at risk, it becomes even more important.

Melissa Trupia JMT-Chi 2016

Note: Just as some groups put out water for runners on popular weekend training paths, Melissa is planning to add sunscreen on that table.

POSTED BY Sharon Marston | Sep, 02, 2016 |
TAGS : chi marathon educating honoring Jack's Marathon Team JF Awareness