2005 Jack’s Marathon Team
Jane Ewing
Cara Kinna
Marty Kinna
Brenda Knapp
Julie Loftus
Jeff McGavock
Rosie Miklavcic
AnnMarie Miklavcic
Sunshine Simmons
Anne Weber
2005 Jack’s Marathon Team Stats:
- Ten members with ages ranging from 20 to 50 something
- 9 from the Chicago area, 2 from Kentucky
- Raised over $10,000 for melanoma research
- Three ran with dual purpose: in addition to Jack’s Fund, they ran to honor a family member or friend touched by melanoma
- Experience levels range from 3 first timers to two premier runners
- A Huge Thank You To Our Top Fundraisers
- Brenda Knapp
- Jeff McGavock
- Anne Weber
- Julie Loftus
Some comments from our team:
“Ann Marie and I had an awesome experience! We hoped to run between 5-6 hours and we did it without having any major problems. I was so impressed with the organization of the entire event. It was an honor to run in Jack’s name.”
– Rosie Miklavcic
“Jeff was there running 100% for Jack and I am sure that is why he had his best run ever. I have never seen him so happy after the finish and in such great shape. He enjoyed it very much.”
– Deb McGavock
“Being part of Jack’s team made this marathon much more satisfying and meaningful. I am not kidding you when I say that Anne and I talked to Jack aloud asking for a little wind at the back as we tried to pick up our pace uphill! I am also not kidding you when I tell you that we felt the help.”
– Brenda Knapp
“It was a great day and I understand the 5k was a huge success too. I hope you do it again next year, thinking of Jack and others I know currently battling cancer really helped me pull it together the last 5 miles which were very tough for me this year!!! My husband and kids and parents loved the spectator sights and had a great time cheering on the crowd.”
– Julie Loftus
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